What is ArcherVale.com?

I’m an author of gay erotica published on Amazon and other major retailers. I’ve gone independent, and I now release new content exclusively through my own site!

What is your release schedule?

I release a new story whenever inspiration hits. You can subscribe to new release notifications at the bottom of this page.

What is your writing Process?

When inspiration hits, I jot down the idea. I’ve got a massive list of filthy scenarios waiting to be written. Beyond that though, I don’t do much planning. I just sit down and let the story evolve—which sometimes means wild results.

Once written, I use AI-narration software to create the audiobook. I go through one line at a time, editing to make sure emotion and pronunciation are correct. No AI is used in the writing process—it’s only for narration.

Are you on social media?

Yes! Follow me on Tumblr and Twitter for more steamy content.

Are purchases downloadable?

Yes. You’ll receive PDF & EPUB files for ebooks, and MP3 & MP4 files for audio. They’re yours to keep!

Can ebooks be read on my tablet / e-reader?

Yes. Check online for instructions specific to your device. Be sure to use the EPUB file (not the PDF). If you encounter any issues, contact me and I’ll help.

How will transactions appear on my bank statement?

For your privacy, orders will appear on your statement as “Apollo Publishing”.

Do you accept cryptocurrency?

Yes. Contact me directly to pay with crypto.

Do you sell custom stories?

No, but feel free to contact me and share themes you’d like to see. It could make it into a story!

I want a specific type of story. Do you have it?

Check the categories page or use the keyword search box at the top of your screen. Feel free to contact me if you want recommendations.

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Transactions will appear on your statement as Apollo Publishing.

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